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inspiration library

Forty years out of a woman's life she menstruates, 13 times a year. Very few young girls get a proper introduction in life when their cylce starts. Breaking the taboo and making sure that every woman has menstrual hygiene products available is worth dedicating my time to. Raising awareness about the amount of waste we could save the world by using a menstrual cup, that lasts for up to 10 years, makes all the difference in the world and in a woman's life. Making sure that young girls don't have to miss out on 1 week per month due to the lack of menstrual products, that's why it's time to speak out!  

Social Media

Mohim menstrual app

Menstrual underwear

Binti Period

Bewust van de menstruatiecyclus


Menstrual Hygiene Day


amazing videos

'Menstruation man' TEDx

The story of a Menstrual cup producer TedX Johannesburg

Talking about menstruation by Co-founder of Menstrupedia













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